Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I get a tour of the kitchen?

    Yes! We host Open Houses for interested businesses to take a tour of our kitchen space. We post the upcoming Open Houses on our Instagram @ourtimekitchen and you can always e-mail.

  • How can I become a member of Our Time Kitchen?

    Follow the tree easy steps to join OTK!

  • Can I bring other people to help me in the kitchen?

    Yes, each zone has space for 3 staff to be working at one time. If you have a bigger event coming up where you need more staff, you can always book multiple zones. There must always be a serve safe manager from your team on-site.

  • I don't want to become a member, can I just use the kitchen one time?

    We don’t recommend this, but we are always open to a conversation. We are eager to host special events and guest teachers, so if you have a creative idea for how you’d like to interact with the space, we’d love to know! Contact us at

  • How long does it take to become a member?

    We try our best to complete the approval process as quickly as possible because we know how excited you are to start cooking. With three easy steps, you can join with our next available Kitchen 101 class, about 1-2 weeks.

  • Do I have to have liability insurance or a food permit to be a member?

    We require that all businesses obtain insurance and create a HACCP plan within one month from signing up. We will have monthly food business classes where you can learn the ins and outs of how to grow your business along with us.

    The daily Kitchen Manager is serve safe certified and trained in the day-to-day safety and sanitation practices of the kitchen. If you need help, they’re the person to ask!

  • How do I reserve my time in the kitchen?

    We use an online booking system called The Food Corridor for scheduling purposes. The kitchen is first come, first served, so the sooner you request the space the more likely we are able to fit your needs. All members have access to scheduling out 90 days in advance.

  • Can I cancel a reservation?

    You must cancel your reservation 36hrs before it starts. We request that you are respectful of other members who may want to use that space. We will walk through how to use the Food Corridor during our Kitchen 101 class.

  • What equipment is available in the kitchen?

    We have an array of heavy duty equipment that is divided into each kitchen zone.

    Countertop equipment can be reserved at no additional charge in Food Corridor. We provide a complete Inventory List after you take the Kitchen 101.

  • What if I don't use all the time I reserved? Or need more time?

    If you need more time or less time then your allotted membership you can always go up or down in membership level at the start of each month.

    Using the kitchen for less time then your selected membership does not have an advantage, and we can not refund your hours. If you go over your hours you will be charged at the overage rate for each hour which varies per membership level.

  • I have a last minute event, can I use the kitchen on short notice?

    We require that you reserve the kitchen beforehand in order to avoid conflict and to ensure a high-quality experience for our members. You can sign-up for hours with two hours notice, but there is no guarantee of availability.

  • How far in advance can I reserve time?

    You can book your kitchen hours 90 days out.

  • What storage space is available?

    We offer dry, cooler, and freezer space via a “cubby” system. You can rent a cubby on a monthly basis. We are generally able to accommodate your needs. If you have specific requirements please don't hesitate to ask!

  • What hours is the kitchen open?

    This kitchen is a 24/7 operation for members.

  • What if I don't know how to use a piece of equipment in the kitchen?

    We're happy to teach you about our equipment during your on-boarding process. We will teach you how to use and clean the equipment you are unfamiliar with. Additionally, we will have instructions posted on certain equipment. If you have additional questions our onsite kitchen manager will be happy to help.

  • Can't I just make my food at home?

    Baltimore’s Department of Health requires that food for resale be made in an approved facility. It’s unlikely that your home kitchen would meet these requirements. Our kitchen meets or exceeds all requirements, and we are responsible for maintaining all the equipment. We eliminate the headaches so you can focus on your product!​

  • Will you have equipment I can take offsite with my business?

    There is a limited amount of off-site catering equipment for rent. We will provide you with an inventory list after you take our Kitchen 101.